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Version: Mosquitto 2.7


The Mosquitto Platform provides the core broker component, a user interface to manage the core broker and APIs to automate and trigger broker activities.

Mosquitto Broker

Mosquitto is an open-source lightweight message broker to enable communication between sensors, smartphones, web apps, and other devices within an IoT architecture. Pro Edition for Mosquitto MQTT broker is a more powerful and fully supported version of Mosquitto tailored for commercial use, offering complete compliance with MQTT versions 3 and 5.

Thanks to its high efficiency, the movement of data, e.g., texts, images, JSON files, and more, requires only minimum bandwidth and computing resources, resulting in low CPU and RAM.

Management Center

Most of the Mosquitto broker settings can be managed and adjusted using the Management Center. Instead of using the terminal, use the Management Center User Interface. It also allows to monitor or inspect the status of the broker.

The Management Center is separated from the broker by a proxy layer. The proxy layer and GUI don’t run on the same CPU and memory as the broker. Therefore, you get the convenience of a modern user interface without losing the efficiency of your lightweight MQTT broker.

Mosquitto APIs

Mosquitto Broker and the Mosquitto Management Center provide several APIs for different protocols. Mosquitto communicates with the MMC backend server and other MQTT clients via the MQTT API. At the same time, MMC backend server talks to the Management Center UI via REST API. A Mosquitto user may leverage Management Center functionality or can use a console and write code to automate managing MQTT broker instances and clusters directly via REST API. In addition, certain clients supporting MQTT libraries can also leverage MQTT API to manipulate admin data on the broker side.