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Several plugins are currently available:

Non-premium plugins:

Premium Plugins:

Changing the default configuration is possible within the config file of the management center. Open your installer folder and open the sub folders "management-center" and "config" to find the "config.json" file.

There are four categories within the file:

  • connections
  • tools
  • plugins
  • themes

Plugins can be turned off and on in the Plugins section of the "config.json" file.

"plugins": [
"name": "connections-rest-api"
"name": "custom-themes"
"name": "multiple-connections"
"name": "system-status-rest-api"
"name": "topictree-rest-api"
"name": "application-tokens"
"name": "user-management"
"name": "user-profile-edit"
"name": "monitoring-rest-api"
"name": "tls"
"name": "https"
"name": "saml-sso"
"name": "login-rate-limit"
"name": "cluster-management"
"name": "connections-rest-api"
"name": "dynamic-security-rest-api"

plugins in the config file

image overview of the plugins in the mmc

Custom Themes

With this plugin you can define a custom theme for the Management Center, including a custom logo. You find the settings for your themes in the "config.json" file under "themes".

It looks a little like this:

 "themes": [
"id": "custom",
"name": "Cedalo AG",
"light": {
"logo": { }}}]

Exchange current wordings, logos, colors by replacing the default values. The image files for the logo are encoded in base64.


An easy way to encode your own images is via base64 image.


With this plugin you can access several components of the Management Center via REST API, e.g., the topic tree information.


First you will have to log in.

POST {base-url}/auth

With your body being:

"username": "cedalo",
"password": "password"

To logout use:

GET {base-url}/logout

Connect Disconnect

Connect-Disconnect Plugin is a layer before to connect and disconnect MQTT brokers. This plugin does not have any specific features on its own but its existence allows to define a custom connection method through another plugin and hook in into the connection establishment and removal. This plugin (located in plugins folder) might be more of interest to the developers contributing to the open source Management Center.

Multiple Broker Connections

With this plugin you can connect multiple instances of Eclipse Mosquitto to the Management Center. You find the set connections in the "config.json" file under "connections".

"connections": [
"id": "mosquitto-2-preview-1",
"name": "Mosquitto 2.0 Instance 1",
"url": "mqtt://mosquitto:1883",
"credentials": {
"username": "cedalo",
"password": "password"
"id": "mosquitto-2-preview-2",
"name": "Mosquitto 2.0 Instance 2",
"url": "mqtt://mosquitto2:1883",
"credentials": {
"username": "cedalo",
"password": "password"

Change the default setup or add further connections to your management center. These will be accessible over a drop-down menu in the UI.

And More

Other plugins have their respective pages in the this documentation. Refer to them for more information