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Version: Mosquitto 3.0

On-Premises Download Onboarding

This is an onboarding guide for setting up your Pro Mosquitto on-premises broker. To follow this guide, you will need an existing subscription or trial to access our Pro Mosquitto broker. If you do not have a subscription yet, please create an account on our website and start a on-premiss trial. This trial can be used on the main broker overview page to get you started.

Download Setup

To start the installation process, download the Mosquitto Installer from the Home page. If you are using a trial, you will have access to both Single Node and High Availability cluster setups, along with all other available deployment methods. For non-trial users, the available deployment options will depend on your subscription level.

If you require additional deployment methods, such as native Windows or Linux (RHEL), please contact us at

Download License

  • Trial Users: You can download your 30-day trial license from the license page. Be sure to add this license to your downloaded setup to begin using it. If you require an extended trial, please contact us at

  • Paid Users: Download your active license from the license page. Ensure that you add the license to your downloaded setup to start using it. With every new subscription periode you will have access to a new license file. Make sure to update your license before it expires.


To begin your installation, visit the Deployment page. Select the guide that matches your downloaded setup and follow the step-by-step instructions provided.

If you have any questions or encounter issues during the installation process, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at