Inbox and Outbox Keyboard Shortcuts
Key | Command |
Ctrl C | Copy selected cells to clipboard |
Ctrl V | Paste Data from clipboard |
Ctrl X | Copy selected elements to clipboard and remove elements after paste |
Delete | Delete selected element and its sub elements |
F2 | Edit current element content |
Shift Tab | Move selected item one level down |
Tab | Move selected item one level down |
Drag | Creates a READ() function |
Drag + alt | Creates a WRITE() function |
Streamsheet Keyboard Commands
Key | Command |
Arrow Down | Move selection one cell down |
Arrow Left | Move selection one cell to the left |
Arrow Right | Move selection one cell to the right |
Arrow Up | Move selection one cell up |
Ctrl + | Insert a range of cells or a column/row depending on the selection |
Ctrl - | Remove a range of cells or a column/row depending on the selection |
Ctrl # | Switch between data and formula view |
Ctrl Arrow Down | Move selection to the next or last used cell below |
Ctrl Arrow Left | Move selection to the next or last used cell to the left |
Ctrl Arrow Right | Move selection to the next or last used cell to the right |
Ctrl Arrow Up | Move selection to the next or last used cell above |
Ctrl C | Copy selected cells to clipboard |
Ctrl V | Paste Data from clipboard |
Ctrl X | Copy selected cells to clipboard and remove cells after paste |
Ctrl F | Opens search |
Ctrl Scroll | Zoom in / out |
Ctrl J | Create JSON RANGE |
Ctrl + alt J | Delete JSON RANGE |
Ctrl Drag Object | Duplicates an Object |
Delete | Delete selected cells |
Enter | Leave edit mode and apply changes to cell |
Escape | Leave edit mode not applying changes |
F2 | Edit current cell |
F4 | Toggle absolute and relative references |
Shift Arrow Down | Extend selection one cell down |
Shift Arrow Left | Extend selection one cell to the left |
Shift Arrow Right | Extend selection one cell to the right |
Shift Arrow Up | Extend selection one cell Up |
Shift Scroll | Scroll horizontally |
Shift Resize Object | Rezises Object, but keeps width to height ratio |
Ctrl + Shift + l | Open shape list |
Ctrl + Shift + f | Open app files |
Ctrl + Shift + a | Open app settings |
Ctrl + Shift + i | Open inbox settings |
Ctrl + shift + q | Open sheet settings |
Ctrl + shift + s | Switch between split & single view |
F3 | Show/Hide inline help options for parameter, if given. |
Streamsheets Shape usage
Key | Command |
Ctrl + d | Move selection one cell down |
Ctrl + +/- | Zoom in/out |
Ctrl + Arrow key | Duplicate selection and move a little |
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow key | Duplicate selection and move 1 cm |
Ctrl + Shift + c | Copy format |
Ctrl + Shift + v | Paste format |
Shift + Arrow | Move 1 cm |
JSON Range
Key | Command |
Tab | Move selection deeper in the JSON hierarchy |
Shift + Tab | Move selection higher in the JSON hierarchy |